Recipe: Iced CBD macaroon

Iced CBD macaroon, a quick and easy recipe to make at home! Before getting started, it's important to note that adding CBD to your recipes should be done responsibly. CBD dosages can vary widely depending on the product you use and your individual tolerance. Make sure you understand the appropriate dosage for you. Consult a healthcare professional for personalized advice.

Ingredients for the macaroons :

  • 120 g almond powder
  • 200 g powdered sugar
  • 100 g egg whites (approx. 3 egg whites)
  • 30 g powdered sugar
  • Food coloring (optional)

For CBD ice cream:

  • 500 ml fresh cream
  • 150 g sugar
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla
  • CBD oil (dosage according to manufacturer's recommendations)

Instructions :

  1. Preparing the macaroons :
    1. Blend the almond powder and powdered sugar to obtain a very fine mixture. Strain through a fine sieve.
    2. Beat egg whites until stiff. Add the powdered sugar gradually until the whites are stiff and glossy. Add food coloring if desired.
    3. Gently fold the almond powder and powdered sugar mixture into the egg whites.
    4. Pipe the mixture into a pastry bag and shape small circles on a baking sheet lined with baking paper.
    5. Let the macaroons stand for about 30 minutes to form a crust.
    6. Preheat oven to 150°C (300°F). Bake the macaroons for approximately 12-15 minutes. Leave to cool before removing from the baking paper.
  2. Preparing CBD ice cream:
    1. Whip the crème fraîche until light and fluffy.
    2. Add the sugar and continue whisking until the sugar is completely incorporated.
    3. Add the vanilla andCBD oil, and stir until well incorporated.
    4. Place the cream in an ice-cream maker and follow the manufacturer's instructions for freezing.
    5. Once the ice cream has set, place it in the freezer until firm.
  3. Assembling the iced macaroons :
    1. Once everything has cooled completely, place a tablespoon of CBD ice cream on one macaroon, then top it with another macaroon to form a sandwich.
    2. Repeat until all macaroons have been used.
    3. Store CBD macaroons in the freezer until ready to serve.

Enjoy your CBD-glazed macaroons! Remember that CBD can have different effects on different people, so consume in moderation and be careful how you react.


Iced CBD macaroon

  Hello everyone! I'm Daniel from Lord Of CBD, a cannabis enthusiast from an early age, I write articles on the world of cannabinoids in France and abroad. With a degree in digital marketing and finance, I bring a fresh eye to the world of CBD. I joined the team in 2021, as an expert and regular contributor. Thanks to my scientific expertise and clear writing, I help demystify the various complex aspects of the CBD world, while highlighting its benefits and potential applications through articles and participation in conferences such as the UPCBD. Find out more about my work and interviews on our dedicated articles, with international references such as, and