H4CBD is a synthetic cannabinoid known for its ten times greater intensity potential than non-hydrogenated cannabidiol. Its effects on the body and mind can be more powerful and faster, making it a substance to be considered with caution. The potential effects of H4CBD include increased relaxation, reduced pain, and increased appetite, but they may also include stronger psychoactive effects than traditional cannabidiol.

However, consuming H4CBD is not without risks. Cases of poisoning have been reported since June, highlighting the potential dangers linked to this substance. These risks include side effects such as nausea, dizziness and a significant increase in blood pressure.

Due to these risks, ethical and safety concerns surround the use of synthetic cannabinoids such as H4CBD. It is essential to raise public awareness of the potential dangers associated with these substances and to promote stricter safety and regulatory measures for their use.

⚠️ Important information: Following the ANSM announcement, there will be no restocking of this molecule. BAN FROM JUNE 3.